Copyright Notice
Copyright Notice for Jurnal Seuramoe Pendidikan Aceh
By submitting an article to Jurnal Seuramoe Pendidikan Aceh, authors agree to the following copyright terms:
Copyright Ownership:
- Upon publication, the copyright of the article is transferred to Jurnal Seuramoe Pendidikan Aceh. Authors, however, retain the right to use their article for personal or academic purposes, including in future publications, provided proper attribution to the original journal and publication is given.
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- All articles published in the journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). This means:
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- All articles published in the journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). This means:
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- While the article is published under an open-access license, Jurnal Seuramoe Pendidikan Aceh maintains the right to restrict commercial use or commercial distribution of the journal’s content without the express consent of the authors.
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This copyright policy ensures that the work is shared openly, increases its accessibility and visibility, and allows authors to retain the rights to their work while contributing to the academic community's open-access culture.